I don’t care if it’s a romantic getaway, a trip with the kids, or a multi-generational family reunion … the Hawaiian Islands have something for everyone and are the easiest place to plan for everyone’s unique needs and comforts.
Aside from places we visit because of family, the Hawaiian Islands are the one place on earth we have vacationed the most. Itsy Bitsy can't stop talking about all the fun we have on our (at least) yearly trip. Fat Papa and I hope to eventually hit up every major island (so far we have done the Big Island once, Maui thrice, and Kauai once). So when I say the Hawaiian Islands just might be the easiest vacation you will ever have, I know what I am talking about. But the best part? Because each island has its own quirks, gems, and unique finds, you can spend a lifetime of vacations visiting these islands and always have something new and exciting to do when you arrive!

What Makes a Hawaiian Vacation Easy?
The Hawaiian Islands have been a popular tourist destination since the 1860s. For this reason, the state’s economy relies heavily on the tourist economy. What does this mean for travelers? It means that no matter what your budget, no matter what level of luxury (or non-luxury) you prefer, whether you want to relax or have an adventure, the Islands are ready to accommodate you. Even better, there are plenty of companies to make it easy for you to book your vacation. From budget sites like Booking.com to club travel like Costco Travel or exclusive benefits through a credit card like American Express, all the travel booking sites, all the hotel loyalty programs, all the frequent flyer miles, all the car rental companies have options in the Hawaiian Islands … most likely TONS of them. Really, your biggest problem in booking your Hawaiian vacation is going to be narrowing down your choices (again, that’s for another post). But this is all part of the reason you should ABSOLUTELY consider the Hawaiian Islands for your next vacation.
The Hawaiian Islands hold a VERY special place in my heart. They woke me up to the real me, the lovable me, the me who is worth my own love and is so loved by others (you can read about it in my blog post Is a Tropical Vacation Right For You?). But regardless of your size, if you are looking for a relaxing, active, or easy vacation (or one that combines all three), then there is no better place than the Hawaiian Islands. Take us Fillhardts as an example.

When Fat Papa, Itsy Bitsy, and I travel, we have different priorities and activities we like doing. Fat Papa really enjoys hitting up local eateries and driving around, Itsy Bitsy would spend all day at the beach or pool if she could, and I like to be active and explore. This is why the Hawaiian Islands are such an ideal location for us; we can plan activities that meet everyone’s needs easily. Unlike some destinations where you may need to sacrifice a pool for a beach or rural comfort for fine dining, the Islands have so many options that sacrificing really isn’t necessary. Sure, we’ve decided to stay somewhere that had an AMAZING pool but no swimmable beach. But in those cases, there was a beach at the property next door or our resort had a swimmable lagoon instead … neither felt like much of a sacrifice. Sure, that one Michelin star rated restaurant might be on the other side of the island, but that’s likely only an hour's drive and nearby will be other great local eateries (and yes, your favorite food delivery apps will work on the Islands).
To this Fat Mama, the best part of the Hawaiian Islands is the great diversity in activities. Yes, you can absolutely fill your day with beaches and pools … I always try to make every other day a pool or beach day for Itsy Bitsy … but there is just so much to do on the islands. Guided farm tours, wine tasting, volcano hikes, snorkeling, boating, art galleries, state and national parks, driving tours, museums, shopping, cultural and historic sites, the list goes on … No matter how active you want to be, how much you want to sweat, or think, or learn something new, or discover, there is something for you to do in Hawaii. In other posts I share some of my favorites.

Fat Mamas Welcome
The best part is that because many locals scale toward the plus-sizes, if you are Traveling While Fat (TWF) like me, you will have NO PROBLEM fitting in and finding accommodations wherever you go. Even when we go snorkeling, the tour companies always have 3XL or 4XL wetsuits available for us. I just make sure to let them know our sizes in advance. Sure, TWF can sometimes take a bit of extra planning. It’s always a good idea to ask about weight limits if you are booking a zipline adventure or helicopter tour. But overall, the Hawaiian Islands have learned to be accommodating, for locals and tourists alike. And oh, ducky friend, do I have stories for you … but that’s for another time.
Travelful Tropical Life
Whether you are a seasoned traveler or reluctant traveler, a new mama or have a nest full of ducklings, are fat and fabulous or fighting fit, a tropical vacation is for you. The Hawaiian Islands are the best place to recharge your batteries. Take an easy trip full of adventure and relaxation. Enjoy reconnecting with yourself and the people around you. Sure, there are plenty of tropical destinations on this globe, but none are quite as easy, accessible, and Fat Mama friendly as the Hawaiian Islands. So what are you waiting for? Live your best travelful tropical life now.
Just quacking book already!