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Hi! I'm Jodie, and these are my ...

Fat Mama Travels

I never let being fat hold me back from doing the things I want to do, going to places I want to go, and having more fun than anyone else around!

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Don't just take a trip
make it an 

Recent Travel 

Yosemite National Park, September 2021


Meet the Family

Like a rubber duck, we go with the flow

(until Elizabeth has a meltdown, Nathan gets too much sun, or Jodie starts pulling her hair out because "no one is following the itinerary")

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(Fat Mama)

Jodie is the brains of the family. Using her background in history, teaching, and small business she loves to plan and organize the family's unique vacations. Never wanting life for Nathan and Elizabeth to be boarding (or even worse, normal), Jodie is always looking for amazing activities to maximize the family’s fun. 

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(Itsy Bitsy)

Elizabeth is the eyes of the family. Experiencing travel from her point of view really makes Jodie and Nathan realize how the world is still full of wonder and magic. Elizabeth's immense daring, desire for adventure, and eagerness to get out and go makes every day with her an absolute delight!

Nathan - Lorakeets - SD Park - 2018_edited.jpg

(Fat Papa)

Nathan is the heart of the family. While traveling Jodie and Elizabeth never feel homesick because “home is where your heart is” and Nathan is always with them. His infectious smile and willingness to try new things turns every adventure into a lasting happy memory. 

Meet the Lucky Duckies

Get to know our flock of friends and family

(these are the people who we travel with the most and you will read about regularly)

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GiGi & Pappy

GiGi and Pappy, supportive parents, always encouraged Fat Mama's natural wanderlust. They introduced her to many experiences that have become her travel obsessions (like amusement parks, road trips, and national parks). Now, Fat Mama gets to support them and their dream to see the world.

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The MoHos

Jackalope may now live far away from Fat Mama with his wife, Aunty Coco, and son E-Man, but that just means more chances for fun family travel! With E-Man and Itsy Bitsy born only a month apart, these two cousins LOVE to travel, play, and explore the world together; with their parents tagging along of course.

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The  Rakhardts

E-Girl, J-Cat, and Codster are the better half of family Rakhardt (that's our combined familt name). Itsy Bitsy and Codster were born 8 days apart, met when they were a month old, and have never lived more than 10 houses apart. Therefore, Fat Mama HAD to adopt them and make them part of her chosen family.

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Fabby & Funcle

That's DOCTOR Fabby and Funcle to you! These two have done it all; even with two kids in tow! Recently retired after 30 years as a pediatrician, most recently a clinical prof. at the Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine. Dr. Fabby is now enjoying a quieter life as a "Fabulous Aunt" because "great aunt" just sounded too old. 

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Uncle Andy

Uncle Andy may not be a blood relation, but that makes him no less of a brother to Fat Mama and Jackalope, and no less an uncle to Itsy Bitsy and E-man. This brother by choice has been part of the family since we were all teens and no family adventure is complete without Uncle Andy! Plus, he makes great cocktails.

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We live a beautiful, wonderful, travel full life.

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